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  • ≤5h
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  • 100.0%
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  • US $360,000+
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4.8 /5
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I am a psychotherapist who is specialized in Neurofeedback. A lot of clients suffered with insomnia or panic attacks or depression. I always search for god devices that help at home. The US Alpha Stim is good but expensive. My first Atang worked with similar 10 Hz Alpha. It was very easy concepted, more cheap than quality, but it worked. The new generation works different. The Frequency changes. The current is dimmed, so that children can use it. All my clients feel good with it, their sleep quality became better and their panic attacks could be stopped with the Atang. The Quality is now good. It is easy to use. It works fine. I try at the moment to look what it can do for children with ADD or ADHD. It seems to lower their hyperactivity. The Frequenzies that are given shall change between very low up to low beta. I think that it may help, because Serotonin, Melatonin and maybe Dopamin are stimulated. I will write about. The device is ok, and the shipping is fast.
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    Consejos de videos
    Taller de máquina de terapia láser ATANG
    # Ayuda para dormir # CES 2023 # aliviar la depresión
    # Uñas # hongos en las uñas # equipos de Terapia Física
    # Alivio del dolor control remoto LLLT bajo nivel de terapia láser dispositivo de terapia física para el alivio del dolor
    Tratamiento láser de hongos para uñas de los pies
    Dispositivo de ayuda para el sueño para el insomnio forma de terapia física natural
    LLLT reloj con láser terapia física para la arterial antidiabética y pacientes con ACV nueva tecnología de rehabilitación.
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